How we transformed our guest bathroom with traditional wallpaper!

Traditional wallpaper project
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We did it! We actually wallpapered our first room. If you’ve been following me for some time you know that there aren’t a whole lot of rooms completely done. We are slowly getting there…but that’s why this got me so excited! Finally a room that is 90 % done (everything except trim).

Our guest bathroom sits underneath our stairs and its very small. There is only room for a small vanity and a toilet. I always envisioned wallpaper in this room to make it feel cozy and also to make a statement where you can’t really do much else.

Our guest bathroom it tucked in underneath our stairs.

I stumbled upon this swedish company: They make the most beautiful wallpaper! I instantly fell in love with all of their designs. I was super stoked when there were interested in a collaboration and I started picking out a design I liked.

This was honestly the hardest part in this whole process. I wanted something that was a little bold without being too bold. Does that make sense? haha

Finally we decided to go with this design.

We got a tool kit of their website, so we didn’t need to purchase anything extra other then the wall adhesive which we purchased at home depot.

The adhesive was very easy to mix and get ready, and so we had everything to start!

Before you start it is important to know to leave a few extra inches when measuring. Then you can trim off any excess. Trust me you will prefer this over not having enough!

We applied adhesive to the wall, measured out our first panel and carefully stuck it on the wall. Then we smoothed it out with the wallpaper tool to make sure it didn’t have anymore bubbles underneath. This is important before you move on! The more the adhesive dries the harder it will be.

For the next panel we made sure the pattern aligned and measured that way. Once you start you realize it’s not as complicated as you think! Before you know the room is done and completely transformed. Its unbelievable what a difference wallpaper can make! It adds so much character, and changes the whole vibe of the room. It’s safe to say it was a success!

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10 thoughts on “How we transformed our guest bathroom with traditional wallpaper!

  1. You guys did amazing, the room is beautiful and also I think you’re off to a great start if this is your first ever blog šŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜

  2. Hi, lovely wall paper. Iā€™m curious where the sink and beautiful light green cabinet comes from?

    1. Thank you so much!
      The cabinet was a Facebook marketplace find that we refinished! Sorry I know that isn’t much help.

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