How to make a faux olive tree

faux olive tree
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Faux olive tree in pot.

Hey friends,

I know don’t know about you I love a good olive tree! However I don’t necessarily love the price tag that comes with it. I have been eying the DIY faux olive trees on Pinterest, YouTube and Instagram and decided it was finally time to make my own! You really don’t need a lot of supplies! The only thing I had to buy was these faux olive tree stems off amazon.

Here is a list of supplies you will need to make your own

  • Olive tree stems
  • A branch
  • Hot glue gun
  • A drill
  • Mortar or cement mix
  • Pail or pot

Step one

First thing I did was order the olive tree stems off Amazon. When I got them in the mail I was ready to get to work. I needed a branch, and so I ventured outside into the woods to find the perfect branch. Turns out the branch I picked was just way too big and I had to cut it quite a bit, haha!

Step two

I kind of did this backwards but looking back now I would probably do this first. Mix your cement or mortar mix in a pot and put the branch in it and let it set for however long it needs to harden. I just left mine propped up between bar stools over night. I did this step last, but I think doing this first will make the next steps easier.

Mortar in pot.

Step three

This was actually a lot more fun then I thought it would be! The next step is drill holes into the branch at an angle. I used a very thin drill bit, just big enough for the stems to fit in. I made my holes where I thought the branch would natural come out. I tried going for the nodes where a branch would bud.

Branch of olive tree

Step four

Next up was removing the bottom plastic off the faux stems, just a couple of inches to reveal the metal rod. I did this with my pliers, however you could also carefully do this with a knife, being careful not to cut the middle rod, or yourself!

Metal rod of artificial olive tree stem

Step five

The next step is applying a bit of glue to the bottom of the stem and then start filling the holes that you have drilled in your branch. Now you make it your own! You can make it look however you want, adding as many stems as you want.

Artificial olive tree

The last step is styling it with the pot you like, and admiring your work! It really was much simpler than I thought it would be, and now I have an olive tree for the fraction of the price I would be paying.

Hopefully this inspired you to make your own olive tree!



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