Simple DIY Spring decor ideas

decoupaged eggs
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In this post I want to show you 8 affordable simple DIY spring decor ideas that will bring beauty into your home and are easy to achieve!

Spring always wakes me from my winter slumber and all of the sudden I feel inspired to get moving and create. DIY spring decor is always a fun way of letting spring in and start creating beautiful things that go with the season. Hopefully this list will ignite the spring fever in you and inspire you to make something with your hands!

(This post contains affiliate links to amazon and LTK that I make a small commisison from with no extra costs added to you.)

1. Decoupage eggs

I love this simple yet so pretty craft if you want to try something other then painting eggs! All you really need is eggs, pretty napkins with a design you like, and mod podge. It is as simple as applying the napkins to the eggs with the glue and letting them try. These look pretty in a vase and they don’t look like a typical diy.

Decoupage Easter eggs for DIY spring decor

2. Spring wreaths

I love a good wreath! There are just endless options on how you can make a pretty wreath. However for spring, a simple pretty wreath idea is a natural wreath ring and some pretty spring florals! You can use a hot glue gun to help you attach these, or simply tuck them in between the branches. I love to use these command hooks to hand my wreaths that don’t do any damage!

DIY spring decor spring wreath

3. Cherry blossom branches

Another simple spring diy are these pretty cherry blossom branches! The best thing is its very affordable and makes a big statement. The branches you can forage from outside, and the blossoms are made with pink tissue paper. Find the exact instruction on the happy happy nester blog!

cherry blossoms on branch for diy spring decor

4. Design spring art

I love this one because again this one is super affordable and very quick and easy. Also, there are endless designs you can choose from.

You are probably wondering how?

I use the app Canva! There is a free version and a paid version, however with the free version you still have lots of options. You can customize the size you need and then either design something directly in Canva using the graphic option, or downloading free art and the resizing it in Canva to your needs. If you aren’t sure where to find free art check out this blog post.

If you like this bunny print I’d love to send it to you. Sign up for my newsletter and it will be on the way to your inbox!

Rabbit art print

5. Topiaries

These cuties will make a statement in your home and are so pretty! I can’t even believe they are DIY. A perfect way to decorate for spring.

A few items you will need for this craft are:

The awesome things is a lot of these things can be found outside, like the sticks, dried moss, and maybe you have a few pots flying around.

Stick the styrofoam ball into the pot, then stick the straight stick in. After, glue on the moss so the styrofoam ball is covered. Next you want to cut the stems to the size you want and simply attach them to the top of the stick by wrapping them to the stick with floral tape. And viola a beautiful topiary!

DIY topiaries

6. Rosemary Topiaries

I love the idea of real living rosemary topiaries in the kitchen. Not only are they adorable and pretty but also practical and smell amazing! I love City Farmhouse tutorial on how to achieve growing a rosemary topiary right in your kitchen!

DIY rosemary topiaries

7. Herb garden

Nothing screams spring like fresh planted herbs in the kitchen! A little herb garden also looks adorable by window sill. A few easy items are needed for this.

  • Herbs (Can be purchased at a local greenhouse or marketplace)
  • Pots
  • Soil
DIY indoor herb garden

8. Spring flower basket

A creative and beautiful alternative to a typical wreath is a hanging flower basket. The hanging basket can be filled with your favourite flower stems and hung on the door with a command hook. Add a satin bow to bring it to the next level.

spring door basket wreath

(This post contains affiliate links to amazon and LTK that I make a small commisison from with no extra costs added to you.)

Final thoughts

That is all I got for you today! I hope you have fun with this one and try one of these simple spring decor diy’s! If you do then let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear it!

DIY simple spring decor pin image
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