7 things your laundry room needs

laundry room transitional beige
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This post I want to share 7 things you need in your laundry room for practicality but also to make the room more beautiful!

Laundry, our favourite chore, am I right? I don’t know about you but laundry is just about my least favourite chore, and having a beautiful and well functioning laundry room is so helpful to ease doing laundry a little bit! Let’s discuss the 7 things that will help ups do just that.

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7 things your laundry room needs:

1. Hanging rack

This stunning room by Onekindesign is not just beautiful but practical as well. A hanging rack or rod can be so handy and is often overlooked when designing the laundry room. It’s a great spot to hang up those dress shirts to dry, or other laundry that won’t go into the dryer. It’s also great for wet snow-pants in the winter, or wet swim suits in the summer. You won’t regret having one!

Transitional laundry design
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2. Peg rail

Not only are peg rails super trendy right now they are also useful to hang up decorative or useful things like baskets, brushes, towels and more. There is also the opportunity to make a shelve on top of the peg rail board for all your beautiful art and whatever else you want to display.

moody green laundry room design
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3. A Cafe Curtain

A cafe curtain has a few advantages one of them being that they add character and charm to the space! They can help by making the room cozy and homey! It is also very practical to use a cafe curtain under the sink for easy access, and they are usually quite a bit more affordable then cabinets!

laundry room with cafe curtian
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4. Vertical paneling

Vertical shiplap or paneling is a very classic and timeless wall treatment in my opinion! It doesn’t add to much to the space but adds a ton of visual interest and can make a plain wall stand out!

green laundry room with wall paneling

5. Big hampers/baskets

If you’ve done laundry before, especially if you have kids you will know that you need a good system in place, and preferably big hampers! It is especially useful when those baskets are on wheels! I love the hampers Modern Nest chose, they are also easy on the eyes!

big hampers in laundry room
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6. A farmhouse sink

A farmhouse sink is seen in a lot of laundry rooms and for good reason! A farmhouse sink is always trendy and classy and the big basin is super useful when soaking clothes, bedsheets or even filling up flower vases. The uses are endless for a good farmhouse sink one of them being that they look gorgeous !

laundry room with farmhouse sink
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7. A bouquet of flowers

I know this one has no particular use other than being easy on the eyes. Let’s face it, laundry is a daunting task and having a fresh bouquet of flowers makes the room so much more pleasant and enjoyable to work in! I highly recommend it!

flowers in laundry room

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Final thoughts

What do you have in your laundry room you don’t want to live without? I’d love to hear from you! I hope you enjoyed this post on 5 things your laundry room needs!

Until next time,


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