5 things to always thrift

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If you have been following along on my Instagram account you will know that I love thrifting! There is just something about the thrill of hunt! It can easily become addicting so be warned!

I just love the idea of giving something new life again, saving something from the landfill and being kind to this earth. I also love the aspect of saving money and still getting the look of more for less. Not to mention that you just don’t quite get the same character and old word feel with big box store items.

Let’s get into it! These are items that I will first try to thrift before buying else where. There are so many treasures to be found!

1. Frames/Art

I always keep my eyes open for vintage art or antique oil paintings at thrift stores. Some of my favourite pieces of art we have in our home are thrifted. Maybe that isn’t your cup of tea and thats totally fine!

There are are lots of modern/ contemporary to be found as well! The same goes for frames. I personally love the character of the vintage old frames, but its so easy to up-cycle a frame with some paint!

Frames can be expensive so keep this in mind! It’s also very affordable to purchase art online, for example on Etsy and and fill your thrifted frames!

Featured below is a picture from Jessica Morris gorgeous home! She is also a passionate thrifter and has so many DIY tutorials on her website!

Thrifted frame in bedroom.
Read Jessica Morris blog here!

2. Furniture

This must be my favourite things to hunt for! If your local thrift stores don’t have a lot to furniture, I would check Facebook Marketplace or other buy and sell websites. There is nothing like a solid wood antique piece. It brings so much character into a room! Furniture is also super fun and easy to flip! You can see a vanity we flipped here!

Rachel Sekuras has such a good eye for home decor and below are furniture pieces she thrifted! How gorgeous are they??! You can follow her instagram account here!

3. Antique crocks

Not only are antique crocks gorgeous, they are also valuable! They can be very pricey even in thrift stores but sometimes you will find a steal! They are so versatile and can be used all around the home as planters, vases or in the kitchen for storage or decor!

Ashlyn from from davila_home styled the crocks perfectly in her kitchen!

Thrifted crocks
Image via davila_home

4. Pottery

Pottery is one of the oldest inventions and has been around since ancient times! I love the idea that it is handmade and unique! It is something that will last forever and never go out of style. If I find pottery that isn’t too tacky I will always pick it up!

Humble.abode.thrift is professional thrifter and you will want to check out the beautiful things she finds and sells! Bellow is pottery she sold from her Instagram store. You can see more here!

Pottery on table.

5. Fabric

The secret to purchasing affordable fabric is purchasing it second hand! If you need some for a craft, a costume or project I would definitely check the thrift store first! Sometimes it takes a bit of patience but good things come to those who wait!

The picture below features a beautiful DIY that Jessica Morris made, you can read all about it here. I believe the fabric wasn’t thrifted, however this is an example of something you could make with thrifted fabric.

DIY pleated lampshades.
Beautiful pleated lampshade made by Jessica Morris

A few tips when thrifting:

  • When shopping for furniture, make sure to check if its solid wood! Are all the original handles there? If there is a blemish, is it fixable?
  • Go often! Thrifting takes time, and not everything will be found on the first visit.
  • Have an open mind. Sometimes it’s better to go into it with no expectation and occasionally you will find something really cool you weren’t looking for. Just make sure you love it other wise it can become clutter!
  • Branch out! Check out different locations, or stop by thrift stores passing through cities. This will increase the odds if finding what your looking for!
  • And finally give back. I like to declutter regularly and donate the items I no longer need, this way you can make room for new treasures!

I hope you found this inspirational. Happy thrifting!!



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