12 ways to achieve the Nancy Meyers interior style

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If you are wondering what the Nancy Meyers interior style is all about or how exactly to achieve this look in your home you have come to the right place!

This post explains who Nancy Meyers is, what the key elements if her style are and how you can achieve this too!

Who is Nancy Meyers and why is she so popular?

Nancy Meyers is a highly acclaimed film director, producer and screenwriter. She known for her work in drama and romantic comedy films. Some of her most popular ones are Father of the Bride, Something’s Gotta Give, It’s Complicated and my absolute favourite The Holiday.

What is her style characterized by?

If you have watched any of these movies then you might have noticed that the home interiors of these films have a sense of bright, cozy, romantic and nostalgic homey feel to them.

The Nancy Meyers Interior style is characterized by warm and inviting homes that are well designed, cozy and welcoming. It often has contemporary and traditional elements, with a touch of coastal! Let’s explore this further!

Read my post on 12 Kitchen nook ideas for cozy morning here!

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Top 12 elements of the Nancy Meyers interior style:

1. Open shelving

Open shelving is often seen throughout her movies usually displaying beautiful pottery and white dishes. Display all your beautiful dishes and don’t be scared to show them off, even if it takes more dusting, it is worth it!

2. Soft colour palettes

Soft colours like creams, beiges, warm whites and also going into the soft pastels are very popular with Nancy Meyers and are often seen throughout the Nancy Meyers interior style.

3. Real over faux

Skip the trends and opt for quality and timeless pieces, furthermore choose real over faux! Go for the real plants, wood pieces and classic pieces.


4. Bookshelves

Books are out to see, and by book I mean lots of books! They are on bookshelves, coffee tables and other places throughout the home! Books are alway a good idea when decorating Nancy Meyers style.

5. Slip Cover Couches

Slip cover couches are often seen throughout her movies and interior choices. The slip covers add to a welcoming lived in aesthetic, which are usually found on plush comfortable sofas!

6. A touch of romance

A touch of romance is always welcomed may it be with candles, light ambiance, flowing sheer curtains or fresh flowers! Add that touch of femininity into the room to add a touch of romance.

7. Throw pillows

Throw pillows are a must if you want to achieve a Nancy Meyer interior style! They add comfort and texture to a space instantly making it more inviting!

A gallery wall with beautiful paintings, vintage art and other unique pieces are very fitting to the Nancy Meyer style. They add a eceltic look and fill out a wall nicely adding character!

Gallery Wall Nancy Meyer interior style

9. Fresh flowers and plants

Fresh flowers throughout the house are a must, clippings from the garden hydrangeas, wildflowers or store bought, it doesn’t matter as long as fresh flowers are seen.

10. Natural light

Natural light is an important element when it comes to this aesthetic. Bright room with lots and big windows are often see all adding to this style.

Kitchen Nancy Meyer interior style

11. Seating corner with armchair

A cozy armchair in a corner somewhere is not uncommon, especially with a cozy throw blanket and pillows. Of course an end table and table lamp is by its side to make those book reading sessions more enjoyable!

Nancy Meyer interior style

12. Beautiful garden spaces

Beautiful outdoor gardens are always seen in her movies and make up a huge part of this style. A stunning garden space with fresh flowers cannot be taken for granted when it comes to Nancy Meyer.

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Hopefully this post was helpful for understanding the Nancy Meyer interior style! Let me know if you enjoyed this post!

I see you next time,

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